fundamental purpose

The people who have made Liceo Europeo consider that we have developed an original project based on the deep respect for the student, on his individual self-affirmation and on the firm belief that education will serve primarily to create a better world.

We have always believed that education should be based on happiness and should prepare students to be happy. Training in effort, critical spirit, perseverance and love for a job well done are perfectly compatible with personal happiness, precisely because they provide the possibility of developing the individual’s best capacities and ethical and social values. In other words, they help to achieve maximum development and personal fulfillment.

We have always been open to the world, to the diversity of languages, to cultural diversities. Now we want to project the whole of this message beyond the educational environment of our school, and project it to a wider social group, near or far, homogeneous or diverse. The Foundation must fulfill this objective.

The Liceo Europeo Foundation is a private, non-profit, independent entity, and therefore not linked to any political or religious group.


Collaborate in the improvement and dissemination of educational excellence through pedagogical research, training of educational agents, and cultural exchange.


To become a reference in the Spanish educational environment.

Opening hours

Monday to Friday
7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.


C/ Camino Sur, 10-12, La Moraleja, 28109, Madrid



+34 91 650 00 00