Promote researchand dissemination of new educational, pedagogical, cultural, and social aspects related to the processes of cultural transmission. To apply the results in the environment: children, young people, and their environment. Influence the social environment, parents, educators, media, etc., for the application of modern pedagogy.
To support the development of educational and curricular projects that include both academic training and education in values such as human dignity, democratic principles and peaceful coexistence, solidarity, and social and environmental responsibility. Encourage or promote all kinds of activities, studies and research on educational, social, cultural, scientific and sports topics.
Encourage or promote all kinds of activities, studies and research. on educational, social, cultural, scientific and sports topics.
To promote study, reflection, and public debate on the current situation of education. To facilitate contact and knowledge among innovative educational currents, both in Spain and abroad, that are obtaining satisfactory results.
Promote the improvement of teaching quality,promoting the training of teachers and school managers.
To study the impact of new technologies on the processes of cultural transmission.Promote or support the implementation of these when the results are satisfactory.
Dissemination of culture and education, by giving or organizing events such as: seminars, lectures, round tables, training courses, as well as publications, scholarships, awards, grants, and national and international exchange trips.
Promote or support exchanges with other cultures at the educational, cultural, scientific, artistic, social, or sports level.
To promote communication, understanding and exchange of students and students, and those interested in culture, both in Spain and abroad.
Promoting equal opportunitiesthrough the promotion, protection and support of any initiative in sectors of the child and youth population at risk of exclusion and who show attitudes of self-improvement and effort.
Cooperation with scientific and technical research.
Collaboration with public or private entities, other foundations, public or private educational centers to promote or coordinate educational or cultural projects aimed at any sector of the population, and in general any project that contributes to the better achievement of the foundational purposes.
Active collaboration with NGOswith the intention of supporting humanitarian projects, and on the other hand to receive information about their experiences and thus be able to disseminate them.the enunciation of the aforementioned purposes does not imply any obligation to attend to each and every one of them, nor does it give them any order of priority.