From 16 to 18 years of age.

- The high level of studies and languages acquisition allows students access to the best Spanish and foreign universities.
- Promotion of skills that foster intellectual abilities: power of abstraction, logical reasoning, mastery of fundamental scientific, humanistic and technological skills.
- Development and application of the scientific method. The practices in the laboratories consolidate the learning of science.
- Students reflect on the acquired knowledge, thus promoting the development of autonomus thinking.
- We encourage their oral and written communication skills. Conducting discussions and debates, presentations…

- Students are the protagonists in the class. They construct and evaluate their own learning, being able to recognize and understand their possibilities for improvement.
- International Baccalaureate.
- Multiple options of National Baccalaureate.
- Voluntarity activities – Creativity, Action and Service (CAS)-, allow their personal and interpersonal development through experiental learning.
- In order to foster the consolidation of supportive and tolerant citizens we promote knowledge of the enviroment and reality in our students’ lives.
- Creation of conventions, conferences, workshops, group dynamics, etc. to contribute to their university and vocational guidence.
* The qualifications and evaluation criteria af all the different subjects are available to parents or guardians via a previous request at the secretary’s office.