nspired by the pedagogical principles of the Institución Libre de Enseñanza, to help the formation of critical thinking of students, so that they feel responsible for their own intellectual development and acquire the necessary human values in their education.
Encourage the development of students according to their needs, enhancing their best qualities.
Incorporate educational and didactic principles derived from the latest research and trends.
To defend education in freedom, with equal rights and respect for plurality, based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
To make the student the protagonist of his learning -Active Teaching-, in his personal characteristics and varieties, multiple intelligences…

In addition to preparing students to be good professionals, above all, we want them to be people capable of conceiving an ideal for their lives, in the desire to make and create a better world and in their right to happiness, capable of being creative, of resolving obstacles and overcoming them day by day.
- The student is the protagonist of his learning.
- Growing up in an adequate affective climate and learning in an emotionally safe and creative environment.
- Self-esteem: self-confidence and self-assurance.
- Responsibility, effort and love for a job well done.
- Tolerance and respect for plurality.
- Education and equal rights.
- Encouragement of teamwork and cooperation.
- Multilingual environment.
- Use of the scientific method and research in our active didactics.
- Incorporation of the latest technological advances.
- Promotion of sports supported by modern sports facilities.
Training based on learning by studying reality.
- Affective security.
- Cultural sensitivity.
- International vision.
- Incorporation of languages.
- Application of the latest technologies.
- Promotion of sports activities.
- Excellent academic results.

Quality Policy
The Management of LICEO EUROPEO is committed to establish, implement and keep updated a Quality Policy, which supports the strategic direction through a quality management system, according to the UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 standard, as a tool to achieve:
- Perform our activities immersed in a process approach, based on the pursuit of excellence, and whose main result is the satisfaction of the needs and demands of stakeholders, embodied in the transmission, compliance and full realization of our Educational Project.
- Compliance with the legal, regulatory and normative requirements applicable to our activity and with all the related requirements that the organization subscribes.
- Address the risks and opportunities associated with the context and objectives.
- Provide the level of training necessary for the efficient performance of the functions and tasks of our employees.
- Continuous improvement of the quality management system, to improve the performance of our activities.
At Liceo Europeo we are committed, as elements of the Educational Project, to the understanding of all the external and internal factors of the school context, to the continuous search for the fulfillment of the needs and expectations of the interested parties, and especially of the happiness of the students and the satisfaction of their families, and to permanently try to comply with all their requirements and demands, implicit and explicit, as well as legal requirements and other requirements that apply and / or we demand us, corresponding to the development of our activity, developing all the emotional, intellectual and human headings of the Educational Project.
Risk-based thinking allows Liceo Europeo to determine the factors that could cause its processes and quality management system to deviate from the planned results, to implement preventive controls to minimize negative effects and maximize the use of opportunities as they arise.
To meet these five blocks of commitments, it is necessary a deep involvement, attitude, teamwork, continuous improvement approach, and daily contribution, which will allow us to achieve the desired results satisfying our customers. This is achieved thanks to our Quality Management System, adapted to the latest revision of the UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 standard, which includes human and material resources, organization, staff training and methods or processes of action, including communication channels between the center’s staff and with families and students.
The present Quality Policy is developed through the design of the offer to its students and families, concretized in six fundamental pillars of the Individualized Educational Project: Affective Climate, Flexibility, Active Teaching, Educational Project, Results, Ideology and values.
Of special relevance is the individualized attention to students, from the perspective of the guidance department, aimed at detecting learning difficulties, attention to special educational needs, always bearing in mind the attention to diversity.
The Management of Liceo Europeo and those responsible for functions and departments, demonstrating their leadership and commitment to the quality management system, permanently monitor the proper application of the principles, methods, standards, procedures and instructions in daily tasks, with the aim of achieving the five blocks of commitment set, which are the foundation of Quality.
This Quality Policy is communicated to all staff in order to ensure its implementation in all activities and processes, at least by placing it in the server’s quality folder, and is available to the stakeholders of the Liceo Europeo on the center’s website.