The terms and conditions laid out below regulate the access and use of the URL directories of Liceo Europeo,, which comply with Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and E-Commerce.
This web page, its contents and design are the exclusive property of Liceo Europeo, with C.I.F. no B282885512 with trading address at Camino Sur, 28109, La Moraleja, Madrid.
1. Legislation and domain
This online service is governed by all pertinent Spanish legislation, under the jurisdiction of the Courts of Madrid, of which you the user (“User” or “Users”) expressly submit to.
2.1. Web Access, Contents, and Information.
Access to the Liceo Europeo website is the sole responsibility of the User, and implies that the User has read and accepts to be bound by the terms of use and conditions contained therein.
LICEO EUROPEO reserves the right to make, at any time, changes and modifications it deems appropriate or necessary to update the website service without prior notice.
It is the User’s responsibility to authenticate and ensure prior to using the service, the veracity of all data communicated at time of completing registration forms as at any later time. The User is responsible for updating the information provided and for making sure that information is current. The User accepts sole responsibility for the inaccuracy or any errors in the information collected.
2.2. Use of Content and Services.
The User agrees and consents to the correct use of the LICEO EUROPEO website, including all contents and applications contained therein. In accordance with applicable law, the User agrees not to use these services negligently or in an unlawful manner, as outlined in this legal notice and the instructions and conditions communicated to the user therein.
The User is only authorized to use the Services if he/she is in accordance with the Terms. The User agrees to use the services in good faith and exclusively use the website, and all of its contents solely for lawful and non-prohibited purposes that do not violate the law, or harm in any way the legitimate rights of LICEO EUROPEO or any third party associate, including all damages caused both directly and indirectly.
To this end, the User is expressly prohibited from using any content from the website for illicit purposes or other prohibited use as outlined in this Legal Notice. It is understood that illicit purposes imply all uses detrimental to the rights and interests of LICEO EUROPEO and third parties, including all damages, tampering, and any other attempt to overload, harm, steal from or hack, or impede the normal use of the website, computer equipment, and documents or other information stored electronically by LICEO EUROPEO, including pertinent User information and components (hardware and software).
In particular, and for purely indicative purposes but not limited to, the User agrees not to transmit, distribute, or send to third parties any information, data, content, messages, graphics, pictures, audio or other media files, recordings, software, and in general terms, any kind of material that:
(a) is in any way contrary to, disparages, infringes, or undermines the fundamental public rights and freedoms as recognized by the Constitution, International Treaties, and other legislation;
(b) induces, incites or promotes any type of criminal activity, slander, defamation, violence or could otherwise infringe upon the law, or be contrary to the morals and good business practices, generally accepted to maintain public order;
(c) induces, incites or promotes actions, attitudes or opinions deemed discriminatory on grounds of race, gender, religion, beliefs, age, or any other personal condition;
(d) incorporates, makes available or allows access to products, files, messages, or services considered criminal, offensive or violent in nature, or otherwise infringes upon the law, morals, norms of good behavior and public order.
(e) is false, ambiguous, untruthful, exaggerated, to such effect that it misleads the purposes or intentions of the communicator (User);
(f) is protected by Content or Intellectual Property Copyright, including third party copyrighted material, unless the User has permission from the rightful owner of the material or the User is legally entitled to use the materials and holds the necessary license rights granted therein;
(g) violates the secrets of any third parties;
(h) infringes upon the privacy rights of families and other Users or the personal image and reputation of others;
(i) in any way impairs or damages the credit of LICEO EUROPEO and its third parties;
(j) infringes regulations on the privacy of communications;
(k) constitutes unfair competition, including when relevant, false advertising, and any deceptive or misleading publicity;
(l) introduces viruses or other physical or electronic malware that may damage, harm or impede the normal operation of the network, system and computers (hardware and software) of LICEO EUROPEO and any third parties, including all information and files stored on these computers;
(m) causes undesirable changes to the website (including changes to format, extensions, etc.) or otherwise disrupts the normal operation of the website service;
In accordance with the above provisions, the User agrees to use the content available on the website correctly, including but not limited to; texts, photographs, graphics, pictures, images, icons, links, software and other technology associated with audiovisual files, as well as graphic designs and source code (hereinafter referred to as the “Contents”), in accordance with the law, this Legal Notice, other notices and regulations or instructions known to the User, and further accord with the general principles of morality and public order. In particular, the User agrees to refrain from:
(a) copying, duplicating, or distributing, or in any way communicating publicly, altering or editing the Contents, without the express consent and authorization from LICEO EUROPEO, and only when legally permitted and sanctioned.
(b) deleting, altering, or tampering with, in any way, the legal “Copyrights” and other identifying data under protection of LICEO EUROPEO, including digital fingerprints and any other technical data collected for personal identification.
The User agrees to access the website Contents exclusively by using the proper channels and normal procedures in place for website Users. The User agrees to refrain from obtaining or attempting to obtain the Content by using means or procedures other than those which, as appropriate, have been made available for these purposes, and only when doing so does not pose a risk to damage or harm the website Services and Contents. Specifically, the use of photographs, images and audio/video content from the website are bound by the following conditions of confidentiality: it is prohibited to use any audio/video content for commercial interests and/or distribution of content for commercial gain. All audio/video content is solely available to authorized members of the media, exclusively for informative purposes, and only when properly cited when published. Furthermore, it is prohibited to use any Contents to advertise products or events for other companies.
2.3 Rights of Industrial and intellectual property.
The User must respect the rights of Industrial and intellectual property of LICEO EUROPEO, and of any third party. The use or the license of access of the website does not give any rights over the brands, logos or any other signs of the website.
The user may download the website only if it is for private use, without any commercial aims, and will not be allowed to exploit, reproduce, distribute, modify, communicate publicly, alter or use the content of the Web for public or commercial purposes.
Additionally, the contents are intellectual property of LICEO EUROPEO, without being understood the transfer to the user. Under the provisions of this Legal Notice, none of the user rights or whichever other existent or possible existent contents may be used under no other circumstance which is not the strictly necessary for the appropriate use of the Website.
2.4 Length of the service.
LICEO EUROPEO does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the service. When that is judiciously possible, LICEO EUROPEO does not guarantee the operating of the Website for any specific activity, neither its infallibility.
The access to the Website has an indefinite duration. Although, LICEO EUROPEO reserves the right to suspend the web without any previous notice to the users who in its opinion fail to comply with the rules of use of its Website and may enforce any legal measures necessary.
In addition, LICEO EUROPEO reserves the right to limit the access to some of the sections of the website to the general public, limiting it to only users or a certain group of users through the delivery of a password of which they are responsible.
3. Disclaimer
LICEO EUROPEO makes the maximum efforts to stop any error on the contents of the Website of taking place.
The website specifically reserves the right to delete any comments or opinions that contradict any of the established issues on point 2.2.
LICEO EUROPEO excludes any responsibility of any harm and prejudice of any nature derived from:
a) The interruption of the system or the lack of access of the Website.
b) The privacy and security on the use of the Website by the users and those without a permit or third party.
c) The occasional transmission of elements that negatively affect the informatics systems.
d) The accuracy, completeness and timely update of the contents of its website.
4. Personal data protection
LICEO EUROPEO obeys the law on the matter of personal data protection act “Ley Orgánica 15/1999” and other rules that complement and develop.
The personal data given by the users on the application forms will be treated and added to LICEO EUROPEO archives and registered before the Data Protection Agency, which will be secured under the laws requirements to safeguard their confidentiality.
LICEO EUROPEO will not pass the personal data to third party, treating them with ultimate confidentiality, except with an explicit authorization.
You can exercise your rights of access, correction, cancellation and opposition by a written communication, according to the manner established by law, directed at LICEO EUROPEO, in the terms established by law.
5. Use of cookies
LICEO EUROPEO might use cookies to facilitate browsing through the web page and learn your preferences and identify you from other users. However, the user is free to accept them or not.