As your schooling draws to an end,
you leave in your wake unforgettable experiences.

With the ongoing affection and fondness that we have for you, we trust that we find you doing what really makes you happy and complete, following your ideals, and dedicating your life to what you are passionate about. The Liceo Europeo proposes to you the former students association (Asociación de Antiguos Alumnos) with the aim of keeping up a relationship between all those who have been part of the Colegio, enabling the development of links through friendship and companionship.

The Association will offer support to its members, information regarding employment opportunities, as well as cultural and training activities. The annual former students’ dinner, the charitable activities of the Fundación Liceo Europeo, together with the major festivals of the Colegio, become, every year, events where memories and personal and professional experiences are exchanged. We want you to enjoy participating in this initiative by reliving great moments alongside your companions, by collaborating between yourselves, and by putting your new ideas to the Colegio.

Follow our Alumni groups on Facebook and LinkedIn .

If you wish to enroll in the Association you can contact us through:

Alejandra Cercenado in the school Secretaria

91 650 00 00

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